Traffic Police

Traffic Police

Jalandhar Traffic Police is not only concerned with the implementation of Traffic Rules, but it also plays a vital role in every aspect of people’s road safety. Traffic Employees deal with a variety of incidents such as vehicle crashes, pedestrians injured by vehicles, checking the safety standards of Four/Heavy Vehicle on the road, escorting abnormal loads, pursuing suspect motor vehicles and road safety education.
Jalandhar traffic police is now believed to be an effective, vigil and active staff of Jalandhar Police Commissionerate which is supervised and briefed by the DCP, ADCP and ACP rank’s police officers regularly. With the strength of 158 policemen including NGOs, EPO, and PHGs, Jalandhar Traffic police’s working is divided into Four Zones and Six Beats in the area of jurisdiction of Commissionerate Police Jalandhar. Inspector Rank Police Officers have been deputed as a Zone Incharge and moreover every zone is divided into beats SI/ASI’s rank has been deputed to utilization Zone Incharge work. They are responsible for smooth regulation of traffic under MV Act, planning, implementations, and other traffic-related duties. Enforcement with respect to strict implementation of MV Act, towing away wrongly parked vehicles, removal of temporary encroachments with the cooperation of the concerned department. In addition, Traffic Police is being deployed on the main chowk, which ensures traffic rules while preventing traffic violations. Jalandhar traffic police’s education Cell has been established which is led by Asstt. Sub Inspector level officer to deliver precious knowledge to school children, colleges, truck drivers, bus drivers, and many other institutions about the traffic rules and regulations and also encourage them to follow traffic rules for own and other safety. Administration unit of traffic police having the control over total force deployed in Jalandhar city and challaning/ compounding Branch, which is headed by an Inspector Rank Police officer. Jalandhar traffic police is located near Police Lines, Jalandhar.

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